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Call Feature Form Actions


Selecting 'Cancel' button via the call feature edit form or add new call feature form (e.g. an add new phone number form or an edit form for an existing phone number such as 'John Doe Office Phone') will redirect you to the instance home page. If you are in an add new call feature form, the call feature is not added or saved. Selecting/clicking on the 'Cancel' button will halt/terminate the edit or creation process for a call feature.

Cancel Button


Selecting/clicking on the 'Save' button attempts to process and update any edits/changes made on an edit form. Selecting/clicking on the 'Save' button on an add new call feature form will attempt to create the call feature.

Save Button


The 'Delete' button is available solely on the edit form.

Delete Button

The Cancel, Save, and Delete buttons are available on the call feature edit form. The Cancel and Save button is available on the call feature add form.
