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Navigating Call Feature Tables

You can add calling features to your site by clicking the Add button that is within each call feature section and entering the necessary information in the respective call feature add form. Features are specific to an instance, so if you add a phone number or device to the current instance, it won't show up on any of your other existing instances. You are charged in accordance with your plan, so check your plans and rates to find out the cost of a particular item before you are surprised by any unexpected charges.

Prior to setting up or configuring any new call features, notice that each call feature is associated with a table. The following discusses what actions can be performed in each call feature table.

Each call feature table includes a search bar and (if applicable) a pagination menu (depending on how many records are within a call feature table). Use the search bar to narrow or filter results when searching for a specific call feature record. Use the pagination menu to go through all the call feature records listed within a specific call feature table.

Keep in mind that there are two ways to access the edit form for a call feature record:

  1. You can select/click on the call feature's name (located in the Name column within the every call feature table) OR

  2. You can select/click on the Edit icon associated with the respective call feature record you are wanting to edit/update.

Additionally, more information regarding the routing option associated with some call feature tables can be found here.

Location Table

Location Table Visual

The following components are included within the Locations table:

  • Name: The Name column lists the name/title of the location. If the location is the default location, then the name of this record will be Default Location. You can click/select the name associated with the location record you are wanting to review and you will be redirected to the edit form. Alternatively, you can select/click the edit icon.
  • Default Location: The default location will have a check mark in this column as a notation that this is the default location out of all locations listed (if any) in the table.
  • E911: This column displays whether or not E911 is enabled for a location. If there is a red circle displayed in this column for a location record, then E911 is not enabled. If there is a green circle displayed in this column for a location record, then E911 is enabled.
  • Edit: Each location record is associated with an edit icon. Selecting the edit icon directs you to the respective location edit form.
  • Delete: Each location record is associated with a delete icon. When you attempt to delete a location, a dialog box appears requesting you to verify that you would like to delete the selected location and that the action cannot be undone. You have the option of either selecting the 'Cancel' button or 'Delete' button. If you select the 'Cancel' button, the delete action is terminated and you are directed back to the instance's main page. If you select the 'Delete' button, you will receive either an error or verification message in the lower right hand corner stating the status of the location deletion attempt.

For more information on how to setup a Location in your instance, check out the location section of this guide.

Conference Rooms

Conference Table Visual

The conference rooms table includes the following components:

  • Name Column: The name of the conference room is listed within this column. You can click/select the name of the conference room within this column and you will be redirected to the edit form of the respective conference room selected.
  • Edit Column: This column includes the edit icon. Each edit icon is associated with a conference room record within the conference room table. When you select the edit icon for a specific conference room record, you are redirected to the edit form of that conference room.
  • Delete Column: This column includes the delete icon. Each delete icon is associated with a conference room record within the conference room table. When you select the delete icon for a specific conference room record, a dialog box appears requesting you to confirm your request to delete the specific conference room. There are two options: the 'Cancel' button or the 'Delete button.' If you select/click the 'Cancel' button, the delete process is terminated and you would be redirected to the instance's main page. If you select the 'delete' button, the delete process would be complete/fulfilled. The respective conference room would be deleted and permanently removed from the conference room table list.
  • Origins Column: The origins column includes an origins icon that is associated with each and every conference room record in the conference room table. When you select/click on an origins icon associated with a specific conference room record, you are able to view and modify routing all features that route to the selected conference room record.

For more information on how to setup a Conference Room in your instance, check out the conference room section of this guide.


The devices table includes the following components:

Devices Table

  • Name Column: The name of the device is listed in this column (e.g. 'Test Device 1'). You can select/click on a respective device's name. This action will redirect you to the specific device's edit form.
  • Login Column: This column lists the 'Login' information associated with each device record within the device column.
  • Caller ID name Column: Enter a specific name to be set and displayed (e.g. 'John Doe Inc. Headquarters')
  • Caller ID number: Enter a specific number to be set and displayed (e.g. '+1(720)-123-5678')
  • Edit Column: This column includes the edit icon. Each edit icon in this column is associated with a device record. When you select/click on an edit icon for a specific device, you will be redirected to the edit form of the respective device record.
  • Delete Column: This column includes the delete icon. Each delete icon in this column is associated with a device record. When you select/click on a delete icon for a specific device, a dialog box appears requesting you to confirm the delete request. There are two options available within the dialog box: the 'Cancel' button and the 'Delete' button. Selecting the 'Cancel' button terminates the delete request. Selecting the 'Delete' button processes the delete request and permanently removes the device from the device table and from the instance
  • Origins Column: This column contains all of the origins icons. When you select/click an origin icon that is associated with a specific device, you able to view and modify all the features that route to the specific device
  • Routing Column: This column contains the routing icons. When you select a routing icon that is associated with a specific device record, a graphical dialplan or visual of the call routing process that is connected/associated with this devices is displayed.

For more information on how to setup a Device in your instance, check out the device of this guide.


Extensions Table

The Extensions table includes the following components:

  • Name: This column includes the name associated with the extension (e.g. John Doe)
  • Number: The number is the numerical value that, when dialed, connects you to the destination/extension receiver.
  • Edit: Each extension record is associated with an edit icon. Selecting the icon for a respective extension will direct you to the extension's edit form.
  • Delete: Each delete icon is associated with an extension record. When a user
  • Origins: This column contains all of the origins icons. When you select/click on an origin icon that is associated with a specific device, you are able to view and modify all of the features that route to the device.
  • Routing: This column contains the routing icons. When you select a routing icon that is associated with a specific device record, a graphical dialplan or visual of the call routing process that is connected/associated with this extension is displayed.

For more information on how to setup a Extension in your instance, check out the extension section of this guide.

Fax Machines

Fax Machines Table

The Fax Machines table includes the following components:

  • Name: This column includes the name associated with the fax machine (e.g. 'John Doe - Fax')
  • Notification emails: This column displays the emails which will receive faxes in a PDF format to an email inbox. Faxes can be sent to more than one email. All email addresses associated with a fax machine record will be listed in this column.
  • Edit: Each fax machine record is associated with an edit icon. Selecting the edit icon for a specific fax machine will direct you to the fax machine's edit form.
  • Delete: Each delete icon is associated with a delete record. When you select/click on a delete icon for a specific fax machine, a dialog box appears requesting you to confirm the delete request. The two options available within the dialog box are the 'Cancel' button and 'Delete' button. Selecting the 'Cancel' button terminates the delete request. Selecting the 'Delete' button processes the delete request and, if completed successfully, permanently removes the fax machine from the fax machine table and from the instance.

For more information on how to setup a Fax Machine in your instance, check out the fax machine section of this guide.


Forwards Table

The Forwards table includes the following components:

  • Name: This column indicates the name associated with the each forwards record in the forwards table (e.g. 'John Doe Forward')
  • Destination Dial String: Lists the destination dial string for every forward record (e.g. the destination dial string associated with 'John Doe Forward' is '12146696060').
  • Edit: Each forward record is associated with an edit icon. Selecting the edit icon for a specific forward will direct you to the forward's edit form.
  • Delete: Each delete icon is associated with a delete record. When you select/click on a delete icon for a specific forward, a dialog box appears requesting you to confirm the delete request. Selecting the Delete button processes the delete request and, if completed successfully, permanently removes the forward from the forward table and from the instance.
  • Origins: This column contains all the origins icons. When you select/click on an origin icon that is associated with a specific device, you are able to view and modify all of the features that route to the forward.
  • Routing: This column contains the routing icons. When you select a routing icon that is associated with a specific forward's record, a graphical dialplan or visual of the call routing process that is connected/associated with this extension is displayed.

For more information on how to setup a Forward in your instance, check out the forward section of this guide.

Menus Table

The Menus table includes the following components:

  • Name: This column includes the name associated with the menu (e.g. 'Main - Day')
  • Edit: Each menu record is associated with an edit icon. Selecting the edit icon for a menu record will direct you to the menu's edit form.
  • Delete: Each menu record has a delete icon. Select the delete icon if you would like to permanently remove the specific menu record
  • Origins: This column contains all of the origins icons associated with each menu record. When you select/click on an origin icon that is associated with a specific menu, you are able to view and modify all of the features that route to the menu. Origins Visual
  • Routing: This column contains the routing icons. When you select a routing icon that is associated with a specific menu record, you will be directed to a page that displays the menu record's graphical dialplan. Routing Visual

For more information on how to setup a Menu in your instance, check out the menus section of this guide.

Phone Numbers

Phone Numbers Table

The following information is available in the 'Phone numbers' table:

  • Name: The name associated with the phone number that uniquely identifies the phone number record (e.g. 'John Doe Inc. Main Office')
  • Number: The DID is displayed for each phone number record (e.g. '17204567890')
  • Destination: Set the destination the phone number will point to (e.g. 'Business Hours Schedule (schedule: 196)')
  • Edit: Each phone number record is associated with an edit icon. Selecting the edit icon for a phone number record will direct you to the phone number's edit form.
  • Delete: Each phone number record has a delete icon. Select the delete icon if you would like to initiate the process of permanently deleting the specific phone number record.
  • Origins: This column contains all of the origins icons associated with each phone number record. When you select/click on an origin icon that is associated with a specific phone number, you are able to view and modify all of the features that route to the phone number.
  • Routing: This column contains the routing icons. When you select a routing icon that is associated with a specific phone number record, you will be directed to a page that displays the phone number's graphical dialplan. This is a visual representation of the call routing process that is connected to / associated with the specific phone number record.

For more information on how to setup a Phone Number and how to perform a phone number search in your instance, check out the phone number section of this guide.

Ring Groups

Ring Group Table

  • Name: This column includes the name associated with the ring group (e.g. 'John Doe - RG')
  • Edit: Each ring group record is associated with an edit icon. Selecting the edit icon for a ring group record will direct you to the ring group's edit form.
  • Delete: Each ring group record has a delete icon. Select the delete icon if you would like to initiate the process of permanently deleting the specific ring group record.
  • Origins: This column contains all of the origins icons associated with each ring group record. When you select/click on an origin icon that is associated with a specific ring group, you are able to view and modify all of the features that route to the ring group.
  • Routing: This column contains the routing icons. When you select a routing icon that is associated with a specific ring group, you are able to view and modify all of the features that route to the ring group

For more information on how to setup a Ring Group in your instance, check out the ring group section of this guide.


Schedules Table

  • Name: This column includes the name associated with the schedule (e.g. 'Main Schedule - Open')
  • Edit: Each schedule record is associated with an edit icon. Selecting the edit icon for a schedule record will direct you to the schedule's edit form.
  • Delete: Each schedule record has a delete icon. Select the delete icon if you would like to initiate the process of permanently deleting the specific schedule record.
  • Origins: This column contains all of the origins icons associated with each schedule record. When you select/click on an origin icon that is associated with a specific schedule, you are able to view and modify all of the features that route to the schedule.
  • Routing: This column contains the routing icons. When you select a routing icon that is associated with a specific schedule, you are able to view and modify all of the features that route to the schedule.

For more information on how to setup a Schedules for your instance, check out the schedule section of this guide.

SIP Trunks

  • Name: This column includes the name associated with the SIP Trunk (e.g. 'John Doe SIP Trunk').
  • Login: This column contains the username information associated with each SIP Trunk record.
  • Caller ID Name: This column can be blank as having a Caller ID Name is option. This lists the Caller ID Name (e.g. 'John Doe Inc.') associated with SIP Trunk record. This is the name that is set to be displayed on outbound calls.
  • Caller ID Number: This column can be blank as having a Caller ID Number is option. This lists the Caller ID Number (e.g. '17202149786') associated with the SIP Trunk record. This is the number that is set to be displayed on outbound calls.
  • Contact IP:
  • Edit: Each SIP Trunk record is associated with an edit icon. Selecting the edit icon for a specific SIP Trunk record will direct you to the SIP Trunk edit form.
  • Delete: Each SIP Trunk record has a delete icon. Select the delete icon if you would like to initiate the process of permanently deleting the specific schedule record.
  • Origins: This column contains all of the origins icons associated with each SIP Trunk record. When you select/click on an origin icon that is associated with a specific schedule, you are able to view and modify all of the features that route to the SIP Trunk.
  • Routing: This column contains the routing icons. When you select a routing icon that is associated with a specific schedule, you are able to view and modify all of the features that route to the SIP Trunks.

For more information on how to setup a SIP Trunk for your instance, check out the SIP Trunk section of this guide.

Voicemail Boxes

Voicemail Boxes

  • Name: This column includes the name associated with the Voicemail Box (e.g. 'John Doe Inc. - VM').
  • Notification Emails: This column lists all the emails that are associated with each voicemail record.
  • Edit: Each Voicemail Box record is associated with an edit icon. Selecting the edit icon for a specific Voicemail Box record will direct you to the Voicemail Box edit form.
  • Delete: Each Voicemail Box record has a delete icon. Select the delete icon if you would like to initiate the process of permanently deleting the specific voicemail box record.
  • Origins: This column contains all of the origins icons associated with each Voicemail Box record. When you select/click on an origin icon that is associated with a specific voicemail box, you are able to view and modify all of the features that route to the voicemail box.
  • Routing: This column contains the routing icons. When you select a routing icon that is associated with a specific voicemail box, you are able to view and modify all of the features that route to the voicemail box.

For more information on how to setup a Voicemail Box for your instance, check out the voicemail box section of this guide.
