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Routing Overview and Icon Legend

Routing Overview

When selecting the routing icon for a specific call feature record, a visual or graphical representation of the dialplan (related to the feature selected) is shown.

Graphical Dialplan

The graphical representation is displayed in a hierarchal format. Arrows not only show the direction of call flow, but are also color coded for the purpose of making failover/destination routes more distinguishable: Green Arrow: Regular route Red Arrow: Failover route * Blue Arrow: Options route

When you select/click an icon within the graphical dialplan, the edit form of the specific call feature record is displayed in a dialog box format.

Graphical Dialplan Edit Form

You have the same accessibility to change, update, edit and/or delete the specific call feature selected as you do when you view/access an edit form from the site home page. Verification/proof of any changes, updates and/or edits made to the selected call feature will be shown via a notification displayed in the lower right hand corner stating that the resource saved successfully.

Resource Saved Successfully Notification

Each call feature record displayed in the graphical dialplan is movable within the visual representation.

Graphical Dialplan Moving Call Feature Objects Visual

Routing Icon Legend

Call Feature Image
Conference Room Routing Conference Room
Device Routing Device
Extension Routing Extension
Forward Routing Forward
Menu Menu Icon Routing Table
Phone Number Routing Phone Number
Ring Group Routing Ring Group
Schedule Routing Schedule
SIP Trunk Routing SIP Trunk
Voicemail Box Routing Voicemail Box
