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Instance Setup

How to Set Up a New Instance

Instance Dashboard

Start building your tailored phone system by first creating a new instance. From the dashboard menu, hover over the Instance section. If you have one or more existing instance(s), they will be listed here.

  1. From the Instance submenu, select the New Instance option.
  2. Fill out the new instance form. The following information needs to be entered in the new instance form:
  3. DNS Extension: Each instance has a unique DNS (Domain Name System) that is a subdomain of the web portal. For example, if you are logged into "" and your instance had a DNS extension named "site1", then your site would live at "". You would place and receive SIP calls via the same address. This is the name that uniquely identifies this instance from all other instances you may have. Let's say you want the name of your instance to reflect the name of your company (e.g. 'John Doe Inc.' and you are logged into ''). One option can be ''.

  4. Channel Limit: Channels are simply compared to "phone lines." A channel represents the ability to support a single phone call. If you have one channel, you can have one phone call active at any time. Channel limits exist as a billing concept (a certain number of channels allocated to your account as part of your plan) and can be assigned as necessary to different sizes, devices and SIP trunk features. You can start out with the number of channels you feel works best for your business or personal needs. For example, let's say you want to start out with ten channels. This would allow you to have 10 concurrent calls. Need more? You can edit the amount of channels in your instance anytime. Check out how to edit an existing instance for more information.

Leap Tip Three

  • Instance Status: The status of an instance is set to active by default (toggle button is switched to on). You can change the status of an instance to inactive by switching the toggle button to off. This deactivates all call features and functions within that instance. Typically, in order to maintain functionality of your phone system, the instance status should be set to active.

  • International Status: International status is set to active by default. If the international status is set to enabled, then you are able to perform international dialing in this instance.

  • Enterprise Trunking Status: Depending on your instance preferences, this will either be set to active or inactive. If the enterprise trunking status is active, then the call features that will only be available to you are the Locations and Phone Numbers section. See the Enterprise Trunking section for more information on how to setup an Enterprise Trunking Instance.

  • Caller ID Name and Caller ID Number: An instance has a default caller ID name and Caller ID number that is set when an outbound call from a SIP device is not explicitly stated. It is not mandatory to enter a Caller ID Name and/or a Caller ID Number for your instance.

  • Access Control List (ACL): An ACL is a list of permissions associated with the instance. The ACL designates which IP addresses are allowed to register and place calls using the instance. This can be specified for security purposes. When properly configured, an ACL prevents unauthorized networks from connecting to your system. By default, all network traffic and all outbound destinations are blocked. You can set a single IP address, a range of IP addresses, a CIDR subnet, or the entire IPv4 internet.

  • Music on Hold: While it is not mandatory to add music on hold, you have the option to add customized music on hold to your instance. Select the Choose File button to upload the audio file with the desired music on hold. Recordings can be in any audio format under 10MB.

  • Country Codes dropdown: These are the permitted outbound country codes associated with your instance. Select the international destinations that you will be calling to. Country codes must be explicitly set.

Leap Tip Four

  • Thin Clients dropdown: A thin client is the node or communication endpoint that will handle call processing for this instance. If you are not sure which one to use, contact the Teliax Support team at

Upon completion of the add new instance form, select the Save button. If the instance is created successfully, you will be redirected to the home page of your account. A confirmation message stating that your instance was created will be displayed in the lower right hand corner.

Instance Created Successfully

Hover over the Instance section of your dashboard. Your new instance will be displayed in the instance submenu. Select your newly created instance and check out the existing instance section to get an overview of the main instance page and how to edit an instance's settings.

Show New Instance
