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Need to Transfer Your Phone Number?

Transfer Phone Number

Transferring a phone number enables you to assign a phone number to a different instance.

Transfer Phone Number Icon

  1. Select the transfer phone number icon (visual above)

  2. You will be redirected to the 'Transfer phone number' page

Transfer Phone Number Page

  1. Click on the New Instance dropdown. Select the instance from the list in which you would like to transfer the phone number.

Transfer to Instance

  1. The transfer button remains unavailable for selection until you select a valid instance. For example, selecting the instance the phone number record is currently associated with is an invalid option. The transfer button will not be available to select/click if this option is chosen from the New Instance dropdown. Once you select a valid instance, you are able to select the Transfer button and successfully process the transfer of the phone number.

If the phone number transfer to a new instance is successful, a verification confirming the transfer will be displayed (visual of this notification is below).

Transfer Phone Number Successful

The Phone number table also allows you to edit a phone number record, delete a phone number record, view the origins of a phone number record and (by selecting the routing option/icon for a specific phone number) view the graphical dial plan of a phone number record.
