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E911 Overview

E911 Framework

E911 stands for Enhanced 911. E911 allows PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) operators to quickly locate the calling location in the event of an emergency. While not required, it is highly recommended to enable this service. All PSTN-interconnected providers are federally mandated to connect all 911 calls regardless of e911 information availability. E911 locations are crucial to set up and associate with each location (especially the default location). In the event that emergency services are needed, e911 relays to the dispatcher the coordinates/address of where the phone call originated.

When creating or updating an E911 entry, the information you provide will be geocoded and verified. Enter as much specific address information as possible.

The Caller ID name is the name you will see on the Site index. An e911 entry is tied to a specific location, so if you have multiple physical locations that require E911 they would require separate locations.

A DID (phone number) is automatically assigned to your new location. When you place a 911 call from any device, the number is transmitted as the ANI (Caller ID) and if the PSAP calls the number back, it will ring all devices attached to the site.

If you do not have E911 enabled on a location and you place a 911 call, your call will be routed to the national call center. A service fee is associated with calling 911 when the E911 call feature is not enabled.

Important (But Optional) Step: How to Set Up E911 for an Existing Location

If you would like to enable E911 on an existing location that does not have E911 enabled, perform the following steps.

  1. Select/click on the either the name of edit icon of an existing location.

  2. Switch the toggle button to on/active (if E911 is enabled, the toggle will be green). A dialog box appears requesting you to enter information in the following two fields:

    • Caller ID Name: This caller ID
    • Address Unit Number: A unit number is for locations that are distinctly separated from other location spaces within a building or larger space.

Step Two E911 Modal

  1. Select/click on the Save button. You will be redirected to the Location edit form. The E911 toggle button will be activated (or set to 'on').

  2. Select/click the Save button located on the location edit form.

  3. You will be redirected to the main instance page. Expand the location section and re-access the edit form of the same location (either by selecting/clicking the name of the location or the edit icon associated with the location). Step Five Location Table

  4. Activate Advanced E911 by switching the E911 toggle button to on (circled in red in visual below).

Advanced E911 Visual

If your E911 is set to inactive/off, a notification/disclaimer will be displayed in the location's edit form.

E911 Off Disclaimer
