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Locations Overview

Locations Overview

Multi-location allows you to have multiple locations within your PBX. Phones in each location are able to call each other by extension. When a phone in any location dials 911, the call is routed to the local PSAP for that respective location. Check out how you enable e911 on your location.

Adding a Location to Your Instance

Location Address Format

Let's say you have two offices: a headquarters office and a second office in Dallas, Texas. The headquarters office is your default location. Make sure to use the Location Address breakdown visual (above) for reference.

Let's first create the default location for the headquarters office.

  1. Expand the Location section of the instance home page by selecting + (circled in red below).

Location Panel Component 2. Once the Location section is expanded, you are able to view Location Table. In the Location Table, each instance has a default location (titled 'Default Location') already setup. Access the Default Location edit form by either clicking on the name or selecting the edit icon.
Step Five Location Table Leap Tip 10
3. You will be redirected to the edit form for Default Location. Some information in this form requires to be filled out while other information can either be edited or kept as is (depending on your preference).

  1. The Name of the default location is titled 'Default Location.' You can either keep the name of the location as 'Default Location' or you can rename the location to be more uniquely identifiable (e.g. 'John Doe Headquarters'). Changing the name of the location from 'Default Location' to something else does not change its status as default location. The status of a default location is changed by enabling or disabling the Is Default toggle button (explained below after Latitude and Longitude).

  2. Enter the House Number (if any) associated with the location you are creating within the specific instance (e.g.'3455')

  3. If you have a house number suffix, enter this in the House Number Suffix section. A number suffix is a letter that, depending on your respective address, might come after an address if, for example, there are not enough numbers for all the buildings on a street (e.g.'3455A').

  4. Street: Enter the street of your location (e.g.'1234 56th Street'). Street type includes (but is not limited to) 'road', 'boulevard', or 'avenue.'

  5. City: Enter the city associated with the location (e.g.'Denver')

  6. Postal Code: Enter the postal code of the location (e.g.'80014')

  7. State/Province: Enter the state/province abbreviation of the location (e.g. Colorado is 'CO')

  8. 'Country' drop down: Select the country code that is associated with your location (e.g. United States is 'US').

Country Dropdown Menu 12. Latitude and Longitude: The Latitude and Longitude information automatically populates once you enter the specifics of your location's address. Entering information in the latitude and longitude fields is not needed/required.

  1. 'Is Default' toggle button: The Is Default toggle button can be either switched to on (active) or off (inactive). Keep in mind that if the location is set to inactive (toggle button is switched to off), then you must have another location set to default.

  2. 'E911 Enabled' toggle button: The E911 Enabled toggle button can be either switched to on (active) or off (inactive). Check out the e911 section for more information.
