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Menus Overview

Menus, or auto attendants, present callers with a greeting and multiple options for call routing. A menu is similar to an IVR (Interactive Voice Response), but does not offer the same level of functionality as it cannot provide information other than a prerecorded message. A common use for menus is to allow a small business to route calls to various departments, like Sales, Support, and Administration. Combined with a schedule a menu can provide a department or small business with a greater level of control over call routing.

Menus should have a greeting that states the options available to the user, which correspond to the options selectable in each dropdown menu. Menus can also accept input in the form of an extension. The extension must exist on the same site as the menu.

A greeting can be uploaded to the web application or recorded by calling it (via an extension or phone number pointed to the menu), pressing, and entering the PIN set on this page.

How to Add a New Menu

The following are the components in the edit form and add new menu form:

  1. Enter a Name to identify the menu record (e.g. 'Main Menu')

  2. Enter a unique PIN in this field (e.g. '1234'). The PIN number is used and entered in order to record a greeting.

  3. Select from the failover dropdown where callers will be directed to if no menu option is selected within a given period of time (e.g. 'John Doe Voicemail'). If a failover is not selected, the call will hang up if an incorrect menu option is selected or if no menu option is selected at all.

  4. Routing options dropdown menu(s): Select a destination within each dropdown menu (e.g. '0', '1', etc.) regarding call routing options. These will be the options available to the caller. For example, if the caller would like to reach John Doe and menu option '1' is associated with reaching John Doe extension, then the caller can dial '1' to be connected to this option.

  5. Greeting: You can upload a menu greeting by performing the following steps:

  6. Select the Choose File option/button.

    Choose File Visual

  7. Select the audio file that you would like to upload. The name of the file will be displayed next to the 'Choose File' button.

    Audio File Uploaded

  8. Select the Save button within the Menu form.

    Save Button Visual

    You will be redirected to the main instance page.

  9. If you would like to confirm that the audio file was saved and uploaded successfully, you can access the menu edit form (once again) of the same menu record. Select the play icon in the 'Greeting' section of the edit form. If the audio file was uploaded successfully, then the audio player will display how long the greeting is (e.g. '0:19' is nineteen seconds).

Greeting Playback

You can play back the existing music on hold and greeting or upload new audio for both. To save the existing audio, select the download icon (Download Icon) and click "Download." Greeting music and hold music are not required, but are recommended.

Download Option

Leap Tip Seven
