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How to Do a Basic Setup of Your Phone System

The following is a step-by-step guideline of how to set up your account and completing basic phone system requirements.

Create an Account

Go to the sign up page and enter the necessary information required in the sign up form.

Sign Up Form John Doe

Select the Sign Up button.

Follow the Account Setup Instructions in the Login Instructions Email

Check you inbox for login instructions by If you do not see an email in your inbox, verify that the email is not in your spam or junk folders.

Welcome Email

Make note of the temporary password. Your username to sign into your newly created account is your email (e.g. '').

Navigate to the sign in page and enter your username (your email) in the Login section as well as your temporary password in the Password section. Select the Login button.

Upon Initial Login, Select a Plan

Once you log into your account for the first time, you will be asked to select a plan.

Set Up Your Basic Instances

Hover over the instance section of the dashboard menu. Select the New Instance option.

Fill out the New Instance form. Once completed, select the Save button.

This will create your new instance. You will be able to view the name of the instance when you hover over the instance section of the dashboard menu. Select this anytime in order to access the instance's home page.

The instance home page includes an instance settings section as well as a section for each call feature (e.g. Locations, Conference rooms, devices, etc.). You also have an option to create a seat (which can be initiated by selecting the Create Seat button)

Add a Phone Number

Expand the Phone Number section of your instance's home page and select the Add New Phone Number icon.

Add a Device

Expand the Device section of your instance's home page and select the Add New Device icon. This will direct you to the add new device form.

Enter a unique Name for the Device (e.g. 'John Doe - Soft Phone'). Enter a Login (e.g. 'jdsoftphone1')

Show polycom or zoip info

Use the disclaimer here that not all account setups and phone system / instance setups will be the same and that it will not look exactly like this

The administrator must keep the sip proxy, login or username information, and password information handy. These crucial components will be needed when setting up a soft client and/or Keep in mind that every instance setup is unique to the account users. Each will utilize different call features and have various call flows based on the user's needs.

Add a Credit Card to Your Account

Select the New Credit Card icon and fill out the new credit card form. Credit Card Add Icon

Once you have entered the necessary information (e.g. first name, las name, address, country, city, state/province, postal code, email, day phone, evening phone, card details and priority status), select the Save button. Selecting the Save button redirects you to the main credit card page.

Proceed to authorize your credit card. This can be done by logging into your bank account and locating the small authorization charge made to your account under the name "Telecommunication Service." Remember this authorization charge amount. Go back to your account. Complete the authorization process of your newly added credit card in one of two ways:

  1. If you are on the Home page of your account, select the Verify button. Enter the authorization amount in the Verify Card section.

  2. Navigate to the Credit Cards page of your account once again (this is located under the Billing umbrella).On the Credit Cards page is the Credit Cards Table. This will display a record for your newly created credit card. Select the Edit icon associated with this newly created record.

Leap Tip 1

Navigate to the Credit Cards page (located under the Billing umbrella)

This step can be done either before or after setting up your basic instance.

Visual Activate Account Option 2

Further instance configuration information and instruction can be found in the Instance section of this user guide.
