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Note for New Users

There is an additional option that is available to new customers in the Settings section (located under the Account > Organization umbrella). This option allows you (as a new user) to activate your account.

Visual of Activate Account Option

If you are a customer who is logging into their account for the first time, a message/notification will appear prompting you to select a plan. Selecting a plan is mandatory and attempting to navigate away from the screen will re-display the same plan selection message. This message also states that you will not be charged anything; as a new customer, your account is set to inactive by default.

Modal Dialog Message Visual

Once you have set up your account according to your preferences and are ready to change this status, you can navigate to the Organization page and select the Activate Account button/option.

Activate Account

Once you click Activate Account, you are prompted to confirm that you would like to activate the account. The confirmation message also states that the billing process will be triggered and that you will be charged based on the plan you specified when you initially logged into your account.

Activate Account Warning Message Visual

Selecting Activate will activate your plan and you will start to receive monthly statements.
