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You can view your account statements (receipts) here. Statements are generated at the end of your previous service interval (e.g. 'Mon Jan 07 2019 01:23:42 GMT -0600 (CST)').

Statement View Options

The following options discuss the ways in which you can view your statement details/information:

  • Image: Selecting the Image button will direct you to viewing the selected statement in a PDF format.
  • Export: You are able to export your statement details
  • Details: The statement details view displays line-by-line items of your statement
  • CDR (Call Detail Record)

Statements Breakdown

The following are the components that make up your statement:

  • Bill to/Pay to address: Billing address for customer and address of the service provider.
  • Statement Number: Every statement has a statement number, a unique identifier that distinguishes a specific statement from other statements/invoices.
  • Date: Year, month and day the statement was generated
  • Ending Balance: The balance at the end of the service interval.
  • Service Interval: The time span the services on this invoice were in use.
  • Plan Utilization: Reference Plan Utilization section below.

Payments and adjustments

These are considered as credits to your account. The date, ID, type, and amount (if any) of each payment/adjustment are shown and totaled at the bottom of the section.

Plan Utilization

  • Plan Item: Describes the type of resource (e.g. 'Channel,''Interstate Call')
  • Usage: After Plan Item, Usage is the next item shown. The number on the left indicates how much of the plan item was utilized, and the number on the right indicates the plan item's quantity that is available for use based on your plan. If the item is not included in your plan, the number on the right (included) will be zero.
  • Recurring Charge: If the item is scheduled to appear on the next invoice (e.g. a Phone Number) it will show as a Recurring Charge.
  • Non-Recurring Charge: If the item is a one-time charge (e.g. international outbound calling minutes), it will show as a Non-Recurring Charge.
  • Plan Subscription Cost: The cost of your Plan Subscription is shown at the bottom of this section and is the cost of your monthly plan without additional packages.
  • Total: The Total at the bottom breaks out your package costs and additional unit costs, and your recurring charges and non-recurring charges along with a Total Utilization Cost showing the total cost of your service utilization for the service interval.
