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Templates Table Visual

Templates Table

If an administrator wants a specific user to be associated with a uniquely designed template, then they are able to create this template in the Templates section of the account. In this section, templates can be both created and managed.

The Templates table houses/lists your set of user templates. The table displays some crucial information:

  • 'Show templates for all customers?' toggle: When this option is switched to on/active, you are able to view all templates created
  • Name of Template: Enter a name to uniquely identify the template
  • Last Updated By: This column lists the first and the last name of the previous individual who updated the templates (e.g. 'John Doe')
  • Last Updated: This column lists the date/time of the most recent update in a 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM AM/PM' format (e.g. '2018-11-19 08:32 AM')
  • Actions: The following actions may be performed (each action is represented by an icon)
    • Edit: You can edit the fields (e.g. Name and components within the 'Features and Call Flow' section)
    • Clone: You can replicate this template and assign it to another user
    • Delete: You can delete a template. In order to delete a template, you must:
      1. Select the delete icon
      2. A notification/message will appear requesting you to confirm/validate the Confirm Delete process. This is done by entering the name of the template and then selecting the Delete button. Selecting the Cancel button abandons the attempt to delete the template.

Confirm Delete Template

Template Configuration

As an administrator, one of the primary uses for a template is the ability to automatically create all of the features and call flows for a user. This capability allows you to create, update and/or delete template(s) to make it easier for you to create and manage call flow/feature resources when you want to set up a new "seat" to your system. A template contains the collection of switchable resources and defines the call flow of those resources in a specific format.

The following provides a step-by-step sample of what actions must be performed in order to create a template:

  1. Select the New Template button

  2. Select a base feature, and then add desired call features. The call features will be assigned as either a failover or destinations under the base feature. The following are available in the feature drop down:

    • Phone Number
    • Extensions
    • Ring Group
    • Device
    • Forward
    • Menu
    • Voice Mail
    • Schedule
  3. Name the Template: Enter a name for the template (e.g. 'Standard User')

  4. Features and Call Flow: In the Features and Call Flow section, select the Click Here button.

Click Here Template

A modal will appear that displays the Select Feature form:

Select Feature

From the Feature dropdown, select the feature you would like as your base feature.

Select Feature Dropdown

For example, an administrator would like to set up a template that has a phone number, two devices (as destinations) and one voicemail (as a failover). In this scenario/example, the base feature will be the phone number.

In the Add As section of the Select Feature form, there are two options: New Feature and Previously Added. If this is a new phone number, then select the New Feature option. If you would like to associate this template with an existing phone number, then select Previously Added. In this example, the New Feature option is selected. Once you have selected your desired option, select the Next button.

Set up the base feature attributes. Each attribute is linked to a derivative (which is defined in the drop down menu). There are three types of derivatives:

Base Feature Attributes Setup

  1. Calculated: If you select Calculated, the value is system populated. For example, if you are setting up a device and you enter the name of the device as 'John Doe,' then the system will populate the Name as 'Device - John Doe.'

  2. Predefined: If you select Predefined, then this value will be used to populate the attribute value of the feature. In the device setup example, the value of the 'timeout' attribute is set to '120', meaning that after 120, the device will be sent to the assigned failover. Therefore, 120 would get assigned to the timeout attribute.

  3. Prompt: If you select Prompt, then you will define the value by entering the desired value in the field next to the derivative dropdown menu. In the device setup example, the attributes 'caller_id_name' and 'caller_id_number' are set up as prompt. This means that you will enter values for both attributes (e.g. in the 'Caller id Name' and 'Caller id Number' fields) in the 'Device-Attributes' section.

Once you enter all the necessary information for the base feature, select the Add button. The base feature will appear beneath the Features and Call Flow section.

Features and Call Flow Section
