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Call History Overview

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The Call History section allows you to view call records for the last 30 days as well as detailed information regarding each call record.

The following columns/information is included in your call history records:

  • Item: Each type/form of call and system feature is considered an item. Each item is associated with a cost.
  • DNI: DNI stands for Dialed Number Information. DNI refers to the number that was called (e.g. '17201234567').
  • Caller ID: If a name is displayed when the call is received at the PSAP, then this information will be included in the Caller ID column (e.g. 'TX Dallas').
  • ANI: This stands for Automatic Number Identification. ANI is the Caller ID number that was sent to the PSTN on outbound calls and can be reasonably expected to be displayed on the telephone of the party that is being called.
  • Direction: Describes if the call was placed inbound to the phone system (via a phone number) or outbound from the phone system.
  • Timestamp: Is the precise date/time the call was answered in UTC (e.g. '2019-03-29 09:07:56 -0600').
  • Duration: Duration is the billable length of the call.
  • Cost: Displays what cost (if any) that the call had.
