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Recent Activities Overview

Recent Activities at a glance visual

Recent billable activities, including account activity, recent payments, statements, and call records are available on this page.

  • Recent Statements: Your five most recent account statements are available here, along with the date of issue. You can view or download the PDF statement by clicking (or right-clicking and selecting 'Save As') on the Image button. You can also download the CSV export by right-clicking and selecting 'Save As' on the Export button. All statements are available from your Statements page (under Billing > Statements)

  • Recent Account Activity: Your five most recent package and plan charges to your account or your allocated resources from packages on your current plan are all displayed here. You can see the packages and resource allocations for your plan (under Account > Manage Plan).

  • Recent Payments: Your five most recent payment attempts are shown here, along with the result. Payment methods can be added or changed on the Payments page (under Billing > Payments).

  • Recent Account Activity: Your ten most recent call records are shown here. Each record shows the amount your balance was adjusted along with any adjustments to your plan or associated packages. The following types of recent activities are available on the 'Recent Activities' page.


Statement Image Visual

  • Image: Image provides the statement in a PDF format. All statements have the following basic components:

    • Statement Number: A unique identifier for the specific statement being viewed (e.g.'1511980')
    • Date: The year, month and day the statement was generated (e.g. '2019-03-08')
    • Ending Balance: The balance at the end of the service interval (e.g. '$163.54')
    • Service Interval: The billing timespan the services on the specific invoice being viewed were in use ('2019-02-06 - 2019-03-08')
    • Bill to/Pay to address: Billing address for customer and address of the service provider. The 'Billable to' section lists the name of the customer, the customer's account number and the address of the customer. The 'Payable to' section lists the name of the service provider and the service provider's address
    • Payments and adjustments: These are considered as credits to your account. The date, ID, type, and amount of each payment/adjustment are shown and totaled at the bottom of the section.
  • Export: You are able export statement data and download transactions as a CSV. One method of downloading the CSV export is by right-clicking and selecting 'Save As' on the 'Export' button that is associated with the respective statement you are wanting to view.

  • Details: This is the statement details view. The details view displays the following:

    • Created At: The date and time the statement was created/generated (e.g. '2019-02-06 00:03:28 -0700')
    • Item: This displays the item type (e.g. 'tax,' 'resource,' 'E911,' 'conference room,' etc.)
    • Starting Balance: The account's starting balance (e.g. '$53.2577' )
    • Adjustment: Deducting cost of item utilization (if any) from starting balance (e.g. cost of E911 use on a specific plan would make adjustment amount '$1.5000'). Adjustment column contains all transaction/billable amount for the item.
    • Final Balance: Final balance factors in adjustment and provides the final amount by deducting adjustments from the starting balance. Let's say the starting balance is '$44.3303' and the adjustment amount for E911 is '$1.5000.' The final balance would be '$42.8303' ('$44.3303 - $1.5000 = $42.8303').
    • CDR (Call Detail Record): Regenerate your Call Detail Record by selecting this option or saving the information in a CSV format.


The following components are listed in the recent transaction history:

  • Amount: Amount of transaction
  • Result: Status of transaction (e.g. 'Error' or 'Denied')
  • Payment method: Form of payment (e.g. 'credit card')
  • Time/date: Time and date the transaction was made (e.g. 'Wed Nov 28 2018 09:42:24 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)')

Recent Account Activity

Examples of Call History records that can be reviewed on the 'Call History' page:

  • Intrastate call
  • Interstate call
  • Toll-free inbound call
  • Emergency call

The following information is provided in the 'Recent Account Activity' section:

  • Item: Each type/form of call feature and system feature is considered an item. Each item is associated with a cost (reference info about cost column).
  • Time/Date: The date and time the call was answered (e.g. 'Thu Apr 04 2019 09:37:35 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)').
  • Balance Adjustment: Shows what cost (if any) that the call had as well as the impact the cost had on your balance.
  • Plan/package Adjustment: Shows the resource utilization the call had against your current plans or packages.
