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Creating and Configuring New Users

Administrators and Users Overview

Users Dashboard

You can have one of two roles or types of users in an account: Administrator or User. In addition to being able to perform everything a user can, an administrator has user privileges and can perform account actions that a user cannot. In contrast, Users are individuals who (depending on the given permissions), interact, operate and utilize the IVY web portal and services. You can add a new user under the Account umbrella. Users can have predefined roles, each with respective permissions and privileges.

  1. An Administrator can perform the following:
  2. Access billing information like invoices and account activity
  3. Add or remove credit cards and make payments
  4. Make a manual payment
  5. Add or change plans and resources
  6. Edit and update the organization page as well as profile information
  7. User management (such as adding, editing and/or deleting an end user)
  8. Instance administration (such as adding, editing/updating and/or deleting instances)
  9. Feature administration (such as adding, editing/updating and/or deleting features)

  10. A User is an end user that can perform the following actions:

  11. View account activity
  12. View instances
  13. Force Rebuild instances

How to Create and Configure a New User

New Users Page

Create a new user by selecting the Add New User icon/button. You will be redirected to a new user form that requires you to fill out the following information:

  • Active Toggle Button: The Active status of new users is active by default (toggle button is switched to on). A user will be unable to login to the account or system if their status is inactive (toggle button is switched to off)
  • First Name: Enter the user's first name (e.g. 'John')
  • Last Name: Enter the user's last name (e.g. 'Doe')
  • Email: Enter the user's email. Not only will this email be used for login purposes, it will also be the user's primary form of contact. Any updates and alerts will be sent to this email. Initial or first-time login instructions will be sent to this email. Make sure to confirm that you entered a valid email address (e.g. ''). Entering an invalid email address will still create the new user, however, the new user will not receive any emails/notifications.
  • Instance and Template/Apply Template: The instance drop down menu will list all the instances that the new user can be associated with. Selecting a specific instance allocates the newly created user to be created within that instance. Once a user is allocated to an instance, you can create a seat in which features and a call flow is designated to the newly created user. Furthermore, when creating a new user, you can specify what calling features (e.g. 'Devices,' 'Conference Rooms,' 'Fax Machines,' etc.) and instance objects a user has access to within a given instance.
  • Role: Select the user type in the dropdown menu. Options provided for user type/role are User or Administrator.

User Configuration

An administrator can provide access to certain features of an instance to the new user by either 1.) configuring a new template (and create a new set of calling features) OR 2.) associating the user with an existing set of features (e.g. 'phone number,' 'device,' 'ring group,' etc.) from an established instance. Both require first selecting an Instance from the Instance drop down. The process of assigning a desired template to a new user or (alternatively) allocating certain features to the new user from an existing instance can be performed by entering the following information:

  • 'Instance' drop down: The instance drop down menu lists the existing instances associated with the account. Select the instance you would like the new user to be associated with and select the Add button. This will reallocate the selected feature in the features list and display it in the current list.

  • Apply Template: If an administrator wants to apply an existing template to a new user, they are able to do so by performing the following steps:

  • Select the instance from the Instance drop down menu. This will be the instance that will be associated with the new user.

  • Select the Apply Template button and select the template of your choice from the template drop down menu. Once you have selected the desired template, select the Next button in order to proceed to filling out the necessary call flow information.

Apply Template to User Step One

  1. After selecting the Next button, you will be directed to the Setup Attributes form/section. Enter the necessary call flow information. Each template, depending on the template setup, will have different call flow components and will (as a result) require different pieces of information. The following is a sample of the information you would enter for the following template (the template is titled Standard User template).

Apply Template to User Step Two Part One

Apply Template to User Step Two Part Two

  1. Once you have entered the necessary information, select the Finish button. This will redirect you to the new user's form.

Once you have entered the required information for a new user and selected the Save button, you will be redirected to the main user page. This lists all administrators and users that you have created and that are associated with the account.

Main Users Page

Leap Tip Users One

Save New User and Users Page

Once you have entered the necessary information for a new user and configured the new user, select the Save button to process/save the new user to your account. If the user is saved successfully, you will be redirected to the main Users page and receive a confirmation message in the lower right hand corner. The main Users page provides a high level view of all the users in the account. Each user record displays the user's First Name, Last Name, and Email. Each user record also has an Edit button and Delete icon. Selecting the Edit button will take you to the user's edit form. If you select the Delete icon, a verification message will be shown requesting you to confirm that you would like to delete this user.

User Confirm Delete Modal

If you select the Delete button (and no errors occur), you will receive a confirmation notification in the lower right hand corner stating that the user has been deleted successfully.

User Deleted Successfully
